
Kraig, sometimes friend, sometimes lover and contemporary has nearly completed his postgraduate study at the R.A. We bonded over a plate of drugs, Stella Artois, Portishead and our mutual frustration at the elitist nature of the arts and art education. Kraigs’ work is similar to my own, so I am obviously a fan. The use of his own body in his work is far from self-indulgent; it is raw, honest and incredibly poetic. His portraits have an uncanny knack of truly revealing his subject. His landscapes are good too, but that’s all I am going to say here because it is close to home. Take a look at his Blog (www.kraig-wilson.blogspot.com), and Kraig make some more videos, they are fucking good!

About Me

A Royal Academy of Arts graduate, currently living and working in London. www.alanalake.co.uk